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The SSO will carry out Board policy under a Policy Governance model of Board operation.  Specific duties in this area include:

  • Liaison and communications with the numerous user organizations and generate opportunities (and possibly programming) that will ensure full use of Calgary Rotary Challenger Park and at the same time benefit the user organizations

  • Facilitate and perform a lead role in communicating and marketing Calgary Rotary Challenger Park to Calgary and Alberta communities – to build awareness and generate on-going support for the Park

  • Manage Calgary Rotary Challenger Park to ensure that all maintenance and other operational work is carried out efficiently, effectively and within an annual approved budget.  As many of the operations are seasonal, it is expected that much of this will be contracted out

  • Collaborate, where necessary, with the The City of Calgary to ensure the park's facilities meet the same or similar standards of other public sport and recreational facilities

  • Manage the Park tenants and contract services so as to meet their needs and as well keep Calgary Rotary Challenger Park fully occupied and sustainable

  • Provide a leadership role and direct services with the ongoing fundraising efforts for Park, in collaboration with the Board and supporting organizations (e.g.  casinos, special events, campaigns, etc.)

  • Maintain open and two-way communication with all the key stakeholders, including our Founding Partners: The Calgary Airport Authority, The Rotary Clubs of Calgary and Airdrie, and Parks Foundation (Calgary)

  • Prepare financial statements as required for review and acceptance by the Calgary Rotary Challenger Park Board and / or Audit Committee

  • Participate as ex officio member on the Calgary Rotary Challenger Park Board and its committees

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