3.01.9 – SSO Succession Plan
The succession planning provides Calgary Rotary Challenger Park Society the ability to carry on the business of The Park in the event of the SSO position becoming suddenly vacated, as the SSO is the only staff member that reports to the board.
In the event of a sudden departure of the SSO, the Society shall have an immediate Action Plan available to the Chair of the Board outlining the steps or process for filling the vacated position of SSO. It shall be the responsibility of the Board of Director’s Chair and in his/her absence the Vice-Chair to immediately initiate the Succession (Action) Plan. The process will reside in the Society’s Administration Manual and shall be continuously maintained so that it remains current to the times. This is ever more paramount because of the operating structure of the Society, in that a small staff exists where there is not an overlap of responsibilities.
The initiation of the succession plan process shall commence no later than seven (7) calendar days from the time of vacancy.
The Chair or, in his/her absence, the Vice Chair shall call to order an emergency Executive Committee Meeting followed by a full (emergency) Board meeting with the purpose of providing information and delegating responsibilities for the initiation of the Succession Plan. The outcome of these two meetings should attempt to outline realistic timeframes for the action items of the plan. Should there not be an Executive Committee the Chair or the Vice Chair shall call to order a full Board of Director’s meeting, as outlined above.
The Action Plan shall identify and include:
a. The name and contact information of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Society;
b. The names and contact information of the Calgary Rotary Challenger Park Society Board of of Directors.
c. The name and contact information of the Society’s most recently used or current
Executive Search (“Head Hunter”) firm for the purpose of their support in searching for
applicants to the position of SSO.
d. The timetable of routine financial business transactions for the purpose of keeping the
Society’s financial responsibilities in tact (business as usual).
e. The process for preparing and paying staff and contractor salaries without interruption.
f. The identification and whereabouts (location) of the Society’s business contacts.
g. The identification and whereabouts (location) of the Society’s insurance information and
h. A copy of passwords and master keys for the Society’s business shall be placed in a safe
place; i.e., a bank safety deposit box for access by authorized personnel.
i. The names and information contacts of contracted personnel of the Society.
A list of all active contracts and maintain a very structured filing system so that information is easily found – include the filing system Table of Contents.
Immediately contact the Society’s legal counsel with the expectation of being provided further information of process and expected outcomes.
Immediately contact the Bank for a formal change of authorized signatures
Create a Search Committee and task the committee to expeditiously fill the vacancy.
The Search Committee shall initiate their task within fifteen (15) calendar days from being formed.
The Administrative Assistant position should be upgraded and qualified to a mid-level Executive Assistant position in readiness of having to fill the SSO role on a temporary basis.
Board of Directors
Set up an SSO Search Committee for the purpose of finding a suitable candidate for the position of SSO.
The Search Committee shall keep the Board’s Chair and Vice-Chair current on the committee’s activities through routinely scheduled meetings.
Once suitable candidates are found the Search Committee will conduct necessary interviews and follow up with the view of recommending an individual to the position of SSO. This recommendation shall be provided to the Chair and Vice Chair who will then process the information to the Executive Committee.
Upon acceptance, the Executive Committee will move to recommend the potential applicant as SSO to the Board of Directors for their approval.
Should the Chair or Vice Chair be members of the Search Committee he or she shall keep the Vice Chair or the Chair continuously apprised of all activities surrounding the search for the SSO.
Should it be deemed unnecessary to report to the Executive Committee, the Chair will recommend the potential applicant as SSO to the Board of Directors for (their) approval.
Should approval not be forthcoming the search process will start again until the position is filled.
Cross-reference guide:
SSO – Position Description